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Polls have also shown Biden’s support slipping among Black and ethnic minority voters, who helped drive his 2020 election win against Trump.

Analysts say Biden’s best hope now is a simple but quite specific number: that wages continue to rise faster than prices as they have done since April of last year, allowing consumers to feel that their wallets are fuller.

  • FaceDeer
    16 months ago

    It was meant to build on your point, not deflect. You were lamenting about how people have to hold their noses and vote for Biden because the only other viable choice is worse. I was pointing out that there are opportunities to vote for who you “really” want, just not necessarily in the presidential election itself.

    The Democrats will likely still run Biden because of the incumbency thing, but it’s at least an opportunity to vote your conscience and nudge the party itself in a better direction.

    • Mario_Dies.wav
      16 months ago

      Oh yeah, I fully agree! Unfortunately, the vast majority of voters in the US are right-wing. Even our Democratic voter base is overwhelmingly pro-capitalist/neoliberal. So many people brainwashed into voting against their interests. It’s genuinely tragic.

      • TigrisMorte
        -66 months ago

        And according to this thread letting literal fascists take over is the best solution. But yeah, it is the folks voting against cult45 that are voting against their best interests, sure dude.

        • Mario_Dies.wav
          46 months ago

          I’m sure it doesn’t matter to the people being deported and detained in those concentration camps, nor to the Palestinians being murdered by a genocidal state.

          Ted Bundy was extremely polite, by all accounts, but no matter how many good acts you commit, if you’re committing atrocities on the side, you’re still a villain – and when the choice is perpetually between a far-right party (Democrats) and full-blown fascists (Republicans), how long before we admit that we have an absolute dogshit system, and that we need to replace it?

          • TigrisMorte
            -26 months ago

            And there is that good ol’ pure bull shit we all knew was going to pop up from those actually wanting cult45 to take over.