Former President Trump’s legal team suggested Tuesday that even a president directing SEAL Team Six to kill a political opponent would be an action barred from prosecution given a former executive’s broad immunity to criminal prosecution.

The hypothetical was presented to Trump attorney John Sauer who answered with a “qualified yes” that a former president would be immune from prosecution on that matter or even on selling pardons.

    238 months ago

    I often wonder if Trump’s counsel is undermining him on purpose, or just going with the hand they were played.

    • modifier
      258 months ago

      They could lose their licenses for undermining their client. It’s more likely that it’s what it looks like on the tin: incompetence and evil.

      • prole
        38 months ago

        I imagine someone might think the sacrifice worth it. To give up your career in order to ostensibly save the Republic?

        • modifier
          38 months ago

          That is a genuinely nice thought, but there are a few reasons it’s very unlikely, and at least one reason it would be the wrong thing to do, even for the right reasons: the same set of actions that would likely result in a loss of license would also likely overturn the results that such sacrifice had sought to bring about.

          I like the current plan of Trump being afforded a vigorous defense by the only idiots stupid enough to represent him at this point.

      168 months ago

      They’re trying to delay the trials until after the election hoping he will win and just pardon himself.

      And honestly, it’s not the Jan 6th Trial they’re really worried about - it’s the documents case. They have so, so much evidence that he knowingly, intentionally lied about having documents and tried hiding them from the government. There’s absolutely no deniability there.

      If he loses in November he’s toast, and they all know it.

        128 months ago

        And many of the document crimes occured after he left office. So they don’t have even have these bull crap presidential immunity arguments.

        “Former presidents are also immune from any prosecution and allowed to carry out assassinations of political rivals after leaving office”

        • Trump’s lawyers, probably
    • Flying Squid
      88 months ago

      Trump doesn’t pay his lawyers. These are the best lawyers he could get because of it. They aren’t undermining him when they’re so stupid that they don’t realize they’re never getting paid because they’re working for a guy who is famous for never paying bills.