• @EatATaco@lemm.ee
    -16 months ago

    Okay I can see that position, I just happen to disagree. I don’t see any benefit from them getting very strict sentences, and I see a potential benefits from the leniency. This is actually how I generally feel about the legal system tho. You probably come from the philosophy that it should be very punitive.

    • Lemminary
      26 months ago

      Yes, I do “come from the philosophy” that one should not attempt an insurrection because a lying orange man said so. I wouldn’t extrapolate beyond that, though.

    • @Psychodelic@lemmy.world
      26 months ago

      I think many of us simply struggle with the legal system being extra “punitive” to black, brown, and occasionally poor white people while being the opposite to white criminals, especially of the not-poor variety.

      This is a well-reaearched academic legal theory known as critical race theory. It’s definitely worth looking up sometime.

      • @EatATaco@lemm.ee
        06 months ago

        Are you arguing that because the legal system is unjust to some people, we should cheer on more injustice? The fact that the system is biased against racial minorities, and what a failure that has been, is exactly why I think more lenient sentences make sense.