• AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
    119 months ago

    We had some new neighbors come over and give us a slice of pie when they introduced themselves. That was really neat. They are in their late 20’s, so I guess millennials. They introduced themselves to the neighbors on both sides of us too, and gave them pie as well. As a result, they immediately got invites to parties, which took my wife and I over a year to start getting invitations to. That was a really cool neighborhood. Both neighbors on either side of us were around our age and liked to throw parties. For the 4th of July I hauled my BBQ into the front yard, and set up tables and chairs. Both neighbors came over and brought friends. We probably had 40 people going back and forth between 3 houses. Then we all set our fireworks off together in front of my house. Unfortunately one of the neighbors was kicked out by their landlord because the landlord wanted to sell the house. Then we moved out recently too. We’re hoping to make as good of friends here in our new neighborhood.