The Atlantic: Nobody Knows What’s Happening Online Anymore. Why you’ve probably never heard of the most popular Netflix show in the world.::undefined

  • Bob Robertson IX
    29 months ago

    My wife and I just finished the finale tonight, and it was a great ending. Very little ambiguity, real closure, and an emotionally appropriate song.

    But, I think it is far from “the best TV show”. It may have been “the best” for a TV drama when it came out because it was groundbreaking, but the acting and writing at times could be pretty bad (so many dropped plots with no follow-up or consequences). It also went on for far too long, which was a consequence of having to create 12 episodes per season, each the same length.

    It’s worth watching, but I’d give it a 7.8/10.

      9 months ago

      That’s entirely fair. I watched it for the first time a decade (decades?) after it some out and it really struck a chord with me.

      Then I began to date someone who is a funeral director and they didn’t know of its existence. I introduced them to it after having it be the first show I actually cried at and we both cried. So I have an emotional bias.

      I still 10/10 it (and I’m harsh on movies and shows) because of my subjective experience.

      Quick edit: I would love to know what show you would rate better. Not in an antagonistic sense, I am fully open to other opinions and I know mine is not THE CORRECT one. It’s just the show that hit me the hardest and that was before I was married to (or knew) my funeral director/mortician. Five years before.

      Other edit : the worst dropped plot in the best show was The Sopranos rape plot. They just kinda… didn’t do anything with it.

        39 months ago

        Also following because I like good recommendations. I don’t know if I have one that I would necessarily rate 10/10 as the best show ever, but the first show that honestly had me cry/feel real feelings was Scrubs. And while it’s up there, I still don’t think I’d give it 10/10 myself.

      • Bob Robertson IX
        9 months ago

        Edit: I can’t believe I forgot Baskets. That show is a masterpiece.

        There are a few shows I’d rate higher: Breaking Bad (although it had it’s share of ‘throw away’ episodes), Reservation Dogs, Battlestar Galactica (so many throw away episodes), The Newsroom, and Deadwood. I think Deadwood would be my highest ranking, especially for writing and acting.

        Obviously I’m sure plenty of examples can be given for why Six Feet Under is better than each of the shows I’ve listed, but that’s the beauty of subjective lists!

          29 months ago

          Breaking Bad was fucking stellar but there’s a couple shows I’d put higher—definitely The Sopranos, even though it took me maaaany years to get around to watching it! I followed breaking bad as it came out and loved it but I’ve yet to find a show that is as interesting as/hits me as hard as SixFunder.

          I tried to watch deadwood and BSG and just couldn’t get into them. Maybe I give Deadwood another go!