For those of us currently in winter-- what new varieties are you growing this coming year?

What new things have you added to your garden for the upcoming season?

What new techniques are you trying this year?

We’re in the dead of winter and I am itching to get back out into the garden… tell me what you’re up to!

    510 months ago

    In the dead of winter I do research, planning, buy seeds and get tools ready for action. Pruning season is coming up in a couple of months. I will get scions then. Grafting has opened a whole new world for me. I don’t plow, till or weed much so gardening is fairly simple once the preparation and planting is done - try reading “The One Straw Revolution” by Masanobu Fukuoka.
    I started planting last fall and will continue planting until until August.
    PS: I am a very lazy gardener but you should see my beans.