Day 16: The Floor Will Be Lava

Megathread guidelines

  • Keep top level comments as only solutions, if you want to say something other than a solution put it in a new post. (replies to comments can be whatever)
  • You can send code in code blocks by using three backticks, the code, and then three backticks or use something such as if you prefer sending it through a URL


    10 months ago


    A bit of a mess, I probably shouldn’t have used RWS …

    import Control.Monad.RWS
    import Control.Parallel.Strategies
    import Data.Array
    import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
    import Data.Foldable (Foldable (maximum))
    import Data.Set
    import Relude
    data Cell = Empty | VertSplitter | HorizSplitter | Slash | Backslash deriving (Show, Eq)
    type Pos = (Int, Int)
    type Grid = Array Pos Cell
    data Direction = N | S | E | W deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
    data BeamHead = BeamHead
      { pos :: Pos,
        dir :: Direction
      deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
    type Simulation = RWS Grid (Set Pos) (Set BeamHead)
    next :: BeamHead -> BeamHead
    next (BeamHead p d) = BeamHead (next' d p) d
        next' :: Direction -> Pos -> Pos
        next' direction = case direction of
          N -> first pred
          S -> first succ
          E -> second succ
          W -> second pred
    advance :: BeamHead -> Simulation [BeamHead]
    advance bh@(BeamHead position direction) = do
      grid <- ask
      seen <- get
      if inRange (bounds grid) position && bh `notMember` seen
        then do
          tell $ singleton position
          modify $ insert bh
          pure . fmap next $ case (grid ! position, direction) of
            (Empty, _) -> [bh]
            (VertSplitter, N) -> [bh]
            (VertSplitter, S) -> [bh]
            (HorizSplitter, E) -> [bh]
            (HorizSplitter, W) -> [bh]
            (VertSplitter, _) -> [bh {dir = N}, bh {dir = S}]
            (HorizSplitter, _) -> [bh {dir = E}, bh {dir = W}]
            (Slash, N) -> [bh {dir = E}]
            (Slash, S) -> [bh {dir = W}]
            (Slash, E) -> [bh {dir = N}]
            (Slash, W) -> [bh {dir = S}]
            (Backslash, N) -> [bh {dir = W}]
            (Backslash, S) -> [bh {dir = E}]
            (Backslash, E) -> [bh {dir = S}]
            (Backslash, W) -> [bh {dir = N}]
        else pure []
    simulate :: [BeamHead] -> Simulation ()
    simulate heads = do
      heads' <- foldMapM advance heads
      unless (Relude.null heads') $ simulate heads'
    runSimulation :: BeamHead -> Grid -> Int
    runSimulation origin g = size . snd . evalRWS (simulate [origin]) g $ mempty
    part1, part2 :: Grid -> Int
    part1 = runSimulation $ BeamHead (0, 0) E
    part2 g = maximum $ parMap rpar (`runSimulation` g) possibleInitials
        ((y0, x0), (y1, x1)) = bounds g
        possibleInitials =
            [ [BeamHead (y0, x) S | x <- [x0 .. x1]],
              [BeamHead (y1, x) N | x <- [x0 .. x1]],
              [BeamHead (y, x0) E | y <- [y0 .. y1]],
              [BeamHead (y, x1) W | y <- [y0 .. y1]]
    parse :: ByteString -> Maybe Grid
    parse input = do
      let ls = BS.lines input
          h = length ls
      w <- BS.length <$> viaNonEmpty head ls
      mat <- traverse toCell . BS.unpack $ BS.concat ls
      pure $ listArray ((0, 0), (h - 1, w - 1)) mat
        toCell '.' = Just Empty
        toCell '|' = Just VertSplitter
        toCell '-' = Just HorizSplitter
        toCell '/' = Just Slash
        toCell '\\' = Just Backslash
        toCell _ = Nothing