The Supreme Court said Wednesday it will consider whether to restrict access to a widely used abortion drug — even in states where the procedure is still allowed.

The case concerns the drug mifepristone that — when coupled with another drug — is one of the most common abortion methods in the United States.

The decision means the conservative-leaning court will again wade into the abortion debate after overturning Roe v. Wade last year, altering the landscape of abortion rights nationwide and triggering more than half the states to outlaw or severely restrict the procedure.

      7 months ago

      Lol. They’ve only ever used “states rights” like “small gubberment”; as a means to impose their will on the largest scale they currently hold power. As soon as they gain the upper hand and can impose their will via a higher government (or regulator) — such as imposing their will on local governments via state law, or imposing their will on states via federal law (or the EPA) — they don’t give it a second thought.

      This is how fascists and authoritarians operate. They lie, because words mean nothing to them but a means to achieve authoritarian rule… They don’t stop at the national level either.

        57 months ago

        CSA states’ declarations of secession, if I remember correctly, used the word “slaveholding” rather often to characterize CSA’s members.

        There are some other differences in direction, so back then it really was to some extent about states’ rights, just as important as slavery or maybe a bit less. Which doesn’t change the point.

        (Also - I was a stupid kid at some point with sympathies to confederates. Eh.)

          97 months ago

          Like conservatives today, most of the men who fought and died for the Confederate states, were not a part of the ruling class they supported. They heard what they wanted to hear. They were convinced that the federal government was trying to take away their rights. They gave their own lives so a few rich men might continue to live by rich fucker rules. Men who owned other men. Men who didn’t give a damn about the common folk they sent to fight. It’s only ever been about the rights of the Few, the landowning slavers.