The court ruled that the lower court made a mistake in ruling that the woman, Kate Cox, who is more than 20 weeks pregnant, was entitled to a medical exception.

Ms. Cox asked the lower court for approval after she learned that her fetus had a fatal condition, and after several trips to the emergency room.

In short, the life or health exemptions to abortion bans in Republican-controlled states are meaningless.

    5310 months ago

    Because clearly taking pain and suffering into account is just beside the point at this point for Texas.

    No, the suffering is the point. The entire “pro-life” “stance” is nothing more than an excuse to indulge in oppression.

      3710 months ago

      Precisely correct. This married woman - who wants more children and is a clear case for an exception - couldn’t be allowed an exception, because the whores need to be made to suffer for their poor choices.

      We can’t be muddying the waters with all this “nuance.” The whores are going to pay in the state of Texas, and that will be that.

      • Flying Squid
        410 months ago

        Apparently abortion is so much murder that even if they’re going to die within minutes of being born, it’s still murder.

      • prole
        110 months ago

        Exactly. If the white married mother of 2 (who will probably continue voting Republican) doesn’t get an exemption, that means they plan on giving it to nobody.