• Echo Dot
    7 months ago

    I don’t understand why labour feels the need to try and appease people. They got this one in the bag they might as well take the opportunity to do away with irritating identity politics.

    Seriously just tell the old crowd to get lost, if they want to appeal to the younger voter then the old crowd aren’t doing them any favours at all.

    • Devi
      27 months ago

      I don’t think they’re trying to appeal to old labour, but rather grab old tories, they’re talking about how great thatcher was and controlling immigration. Tories are very far right at this point, I think labour feel that if they go slightly right of centre they’ll capture the moderate tories.

      Not sure the strategy is wrong, but it won’t lead to a labour government that I’m happy with.

      • Alex
        17 months ago

        I swear the very mention of Thatcher is catnip to some on the left. I wouldn’t say the one line in the piece about her was praise, just an observation about the changes she put in.

        But the strategy makes sense: convince the centerists voters who absolutely will vote that Kier is a safe pair of hands. The alternative is appealing to the younger radical voters who may not bother to turn up to the voting booth because they’re unhappy he’s not as ideologically pure as they want him to be.