Multinationals in particular hiked prices far above rise in costs to deliver an outsize impact on cost of living crisis, report concludes

    010 months ago

    No… Well not in a detailed way and ignores greed. So which would your definition go under demand-pull inflation, cost-push inflation, or built-in inflation.

      110 months ago

      Greed is an aspect of any inflation because inflation is explicitly tied to demand.

      It’s silly to try to moralize economic concepts.

      110 months ago

      “Ignores greed”

      Greed is always a factor though, this isn’t a new variable to account for. All three categories you provided have a profit motive as the core factor, it’s simply in different layers.

      A real example of inflation that isn’t tied to an individuals desire to maximise their benefits from a transaction would be something like extracting an ore than becomes harder as the rich deposits are used up.