• @blahsay@lemmy.world
    67 months ago

    Geeze yeah the Iranians I saw certainly weren’t protesting. They just wanted war and blood. It’s hard to explain the real face of Islam unless you see it first hand - check it out sometime!

    It’s spooky to see how Islam changes Iranians - they’re usually the kindest, most open minded and welcoming people. The Islamists though…wow

    • @Linkerbaan@lemmy.world
      -67 months ago

      The west is the party that wants war and blood. The Iranians just want to defend themselves. Your hypocrisy is through the roof.

      You look at Palestine and then say “oh those Hamas guys, they just hate the west for no reason aside from Islam. It has nothing to do with them being oppressed.”

      • @galloog1@lemmy.world
        67 months ago

        Western liberals are not shouting death to Iran at every rally nor are they conducting escalatory actions that are not proportional. There is a distinctive difference. Sanctions are ramped up and down in direct response to rhetoric and violent actions by proxies around the middle east. You are apparently blind to these.

        • @01011@monero.town
          -47 months ago

          There’s no need to shout death to anyone when your policies cause death. Or when your military spending is greater than everyone else’s combined. Or when you have a legacy of causing death en masse, on a whim.

          • @blahsay@lemmy.world
            17 months ago

            I guess your solution would be for all restrictions on Iran to be lifted? Honestly I’d love that too. They are somewhat counter productive and the poverty they cause in turn causes extremists.

            The harsh truth though is that if the world stopped looking for a year or two Iran would do exactly what they’ve said they’d do…several nuclear bombs going off in Israel and probably elsewhere.

            The theocracy there is seriously unhinged - again you should take a look for yourself.

            (Also I’m not American nor does their military spending eclipse all other countries - and almost every country has a legacy of death so careful pointing fingers)

            • @01011@monero.town
              7 months ago

              The lie that Iran would suddenly launch rockets at Israel is tired and old. It sounds too much like the old Cold War accusations leveled at the Soviet Union that were nothing but projection.

              Iran’s theocracy is no more unhinged than their counterpart in the United States - those who push for the liberalization of global markets so as to allow American capital interests to cannibalize the planet, for the good of mankind, of course…

              America is currently unrivaled in its legacy of carnage, both at home and abroad. At least two genocides at home and countless wanton killing sprees and invasions abroad - in the name of “democracy”, “free markets”, “liberty” and the other beloved slogans of Uncle Sam.

              If anyone should be mistrusted in this equation it is the entity that has a track record of invading sovereign nations, supporting genocide at home and abroad and pushing economic policies that have an extensive track record of failure and extreme human suffering.

              • @blahsay@lemmy.world
                17 months ago

                Fascinating! Who do you think is lying about Iran exactly? You can, at any time, google one of the many, many videos of Iranian officials stating they want to wipe out Israel. Are they lying?

                I’d post a link but honestly there’s no point as you wouldn’t watch it.

                There’s the saying, 'You can wake someone who’s sleeping but not someone pretending to be asleep '.