An oldie, but a goodie

    8410 months ago

    First of all, this is horrible and no one should talk like that.

    But it’s funny that he censored the word “fucking” as if that crossed some line

      4210 months ago

      To add context:

      Linus only reacted this way to people who really should have known better. This isn’t a “here is my first ever patch, I read all the rules and I hope I didn’t break any” situation. The person he is chewing out is a kernel maintainer. They are someone who is experienced and trusted and Linus was rightly angry that this poor quality work was submitted.

      However… Linus has also worked a lot on himself in the past few years, fully acknowledging that he shouldn’t behave this harshly when someone fucks up. If the same situation was to present itself today, he would be much more professional, but would probably still be a bit angry and you’d know about it.

      Linus is a flawed human being, but credit where it is due, he has worked on some of his character flaws.

        910 months ago

        Sure but this is still horrible and should not have been sent.

        But I agree with you.

      3110 months ago

      As i understand it Linus has at least acknowledged that his tone has been very problematic and has been working on the way he expresses himself.