• @Maggoty@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    According to the article it’s the same AWB from the Clinton years.

    They can fuck right off. It’s not what we need. We need to ban external magazines. This cosmetic shit is bullshit and just posturing to make gun owners suffer.

    We need to withhold all federal funding from states that do not send information to the NICS system and we need universal background checks.

    Banning external magazines works because every rifle can be retrofitted by welding a magazine in place and loading with stripper clips.

    Edit - ITT people who think they have a right to carry guns everywhere but are too afraid to write a reply.

    Edit 2 - And apparently most of the ones willing to reply fall into the camp of pretending to care as they’ve laser focused on one word. No I’m not going to change it. Being a nuisance is not the objective. Cathartic release is not the objective. Cutting gun violence is the fucking objective.

    • @PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee
      7 months ago

      Christ winces bearing the weight of humanity’s original sin on the cross when contemplating the thought of having to go to the range to shoot non moving targets at a faster rate.

    • prole
      07 months ago

      Lol “suffer.” Man, take your head out of your ass and go fuck yourself. People, CHILDREN, are fucking dying.

      • @Maggoty@lemmy.world
        27 months ago

        And it would be nice to do something about that instead of making laws that do nothing but piss off a demographic. I gave you three great alternatives and you still tried to pretend like I said let’s kill those kids.

        • prole
          17 months ago

          Nah dude. Other nations have long “done sometime” (or if they hadn’t, they did immediately after experiencing one shooting) about this problem. I guess those Aussies just don’t have the stomach for dead kindergartners… Pussies.

          You could not care less about those dead kids, unless you’re directly affected. If you did, you’d recognize that their lives are far more valuable than your ability to play dress up and go pew pew. You would actually be interested in a solution rather than keeping things the way they are. Where the number one cause of death among young people is firearms.

          No. America will never do anything about it because people like you.

          • @Maggoty@lemmy.world
            17 months ago

            You’re not being rid of the second until the political landscape seriously changes. You’re not getting the second re-interpreted with all of it’s words until SCOTUS flips. These are harm reduction things we can make stick right now.

            If you want to refuse that then you’re the one sacrificing people. You’re just as bad as the NRA.

    • @Deftdrummer@lemmy.world
      -17 months ago

      external magazines - you have no clue what you’re talking about.

      universal background checks.

      Again you have no idea what you’re talking about. My heart aches for people like you full of opinions on a topic, yet completely lacking in basics of said topic.

      • @Maggoty@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        No expertise at all. Just a decade in the military doing grunt jobs. Nothing happens until we materially affect the speed with which semi auto weapons can fire, and their spread in the country. Revolvers and bolt action weapons are perfectly fine, even as militia weapons.

        • @Deftdrummer@lemmy.world
          07 months ago

          “here durr, I served my opinion matters more” you supported the corporate machine while likely pushing 3 MOA chump.

            • @Deftdrummer@lemmy.world
              07 months ago

              What I KNOW is serving doesn’t make you an expert marksman. Most barely pass basic quals, so don’t spout that like some sort of badge of honor.

              • @Maggoty@lemmy.world
                17 months ago

                Oh so now you have to score expert on the shooting range to understand how semi auto weapons function? The gatekeeping just keeps getting deeper and deeper. I guess years of Infantry training and combat experience are just nothing compared to that guy who got 36/40 on the range.

    • @hdnsmbt@lemmy.world
      -17 months ago

      This cosmetic shit is bullshit and just posturing to make gun owners suffer.

      “Suffer” in what way? Having to find a new hobby? Having to use a different boom toy instead of the cool boom toy they want to use? Those poor, poor gun owners!

      Compared to the actual suffering of the dying kids and their parents, who do you think has it worse?

      • @Maggoty@lemmy.world
        67 months ago

        The old AWB literally bans certain guns by name and certain cosmetic parts. That’s it. They can rename the childkiller 2000 into childkiller 3000 while reworking the buttstock to fit around the thumb hole clause. It literally drives more gun sales, not less.

        And it grandfathers in all the guns already out there. It’s a fucking nuisance law, not a solution. It’s not even a step in the right direction because I can buy an AWB legal hunting rifle and run it with old 30 round magazines for the same effect as the scary black gun with a fore grip and flash hider.

        How do you read shit like “make external magazines illegal and weld all the guns so they can’t take them” and think this guy likes the gun lobby?

        Think for half a second. Read beyond the fucking title.

        • @hdnsmbt@lemmy.world
          17 months ago

          It sounds like you possibly didn’t read my question. “Suffer” in what way, exactly? How do you read "‘Suffer’ in what way?’ and go on a tangent about renaming guns? Did you not say “This cosmetic shit is bullshit and just posturing to make gun owners suffer.”? Did I misinterpret what you said?

          • @Maggoty@lemmy.world
            07 months ago

            You lost the entire context of it and just went with the catharsis of gun nuts having to spend more money on less than perfect guns. The point was the catharsis doesn’t help victims of gun violence.

            • @hdnsmbt@lemmy.world
              07 months ago

              I asked for clarification on something you said. The context of my question is what you said, which is why I conveniently quoted it for you. My question does not relate to the general point you’re making but to this one sentence which I believe I made more than clear through my following-up questions. You seem to prefer to pretend not to understand that in order to worm out of the question, possibly because you’re aware that what you said is a slight exaggeration.

              Also, what do you believe “catharsis” means?

              • @Maggoty@lemmy.world
                07 months ago

                No what you’re missing is I don’t care about the single sentence. If that was all there was to the post then that’s all I would have posted.

                • @hdnsmbt@lemmy.world
                  07 months ago

                  Yes, it was already obvious you have a problem addressing a stupid thing you said. I’m sure you’re not really all that black and white, you’re just having a hard time being wrong and admitting it.

      • Flying Squid
        -67 months ago

        No one- and I mean no one- has it harder than someone who has 12 rifles that look like they were designed for military use but can’t buy a 13th because of some stupid law that is designed to cause them literal physical pain.

        Those dead kids wish they had it so bad.

        • @Maggoty@lemmy.world
          7 months ago

          Oh my God dude, you too? You usually actually read posts. How about instead of concentrating on being a nuisance to gun owners and the industry we pass some laws that work. Like maybe these things from that comment you responded to-

          • Stop sending any federal funds to states that don’t give prohibited possesor information to the National Instant Background Check System

          • Ban and make illegal all external magazines. Existing weapons to be retrofitted by welding a block and installing an internal magazine.

          • Institute Universal Background Checks.

          No, instead we’re over here discussing if the Remington 21a hunting rifle can be sold with thumb hole, fore grip, and pistol grip. Or if Remington has to design weird shapes and bumps to provide the same functionality without actually being those things. Meanwhile, the kids you care so much about and the gun suicides that make up more than half of gun deaths are still happening.

          This is what pisses me off about the 2A debate. One side wants to sacrifice people for their ego and the other side wants to do no more than pretend they’re doing something about it.

          • Flying Squid
            -37 months ago

            As long as gun owners don’t suffer. That’s the main thing. We have to end their suffering! Poor gun owners!