Finally some good news! I’ve been waiting for quite a while for such a ruling.

Edit: Seems this cites an article from 2012, I didn’t notice that (and it’s still news to me). Though there’s still hope that it’ll happen, EU is slow, but usually eventually gets shit done.

    29 months ago

    Do you think steam and devs are going to allow the transfer of a game on their platform without their cut?

      19 months ago

      Exactly. When I sell trading cards, Steam takes their cut. I see no reason to expect that Steam and similar platforms couldn’t do the same for games, and share the revenue with the publishers.

      The way I expect it to work is that you’d sell the game at a fixed price and the resold license would have some limitations (e.g. no trading cards), and the publisher would make almost at much from that sale as a new sale (e.g. maybe Steam takes a smaller cut, and your discount is the difference).