I’m directing this question to all women, not just cisgender ones or ones that menstruate. My understanding is that we all can experience hormonal fluctuations during the month, for some it’s just more predictable or obvious than others. Hormone therapy can have this effect too for our trans sisters. Curious what you notice, if anything.

  • @PerilousMare@lemmy.world
    210 months ago

    One of my first indications that my period is on its way is my usual dose of caffeine makes me sleepy. Then it usually affects my overall executive functioning negatively.

    • @ickplant@lemmy.worldOPM
      110 months ago

      Oh, that sounds familiar (the coffee part) although it never occurred to me to tie it to my cycle. There are definitely days when coffee does nothing even if I slept well. I’m going to track it closely and see. Thank you for sharing!