Tuberville failed to mention that he’s personally prevented hundreds of officers from being promoted because he disagrees with a 2022 Pentagon policy.

    210 months ago

    One little niggle. They aren’t in league with the Russians. Their goals often appear to align. And believe me Russians are useful to the people Republicans are in league with. But it isn’t the “Russians”. It’s the wealthy. All the ones that we know of. And especially the ones who hide their wealth.

      610 months ago

      We call that the oligarchy and for them they don’t live behind any boarders. Truly stupid of us to put our livelihoods in the hands of people who have no loyalty to any nation. For example wealthy Americans hide their wealth in off shore accounts to avoid laws and regulations here in the states. Laws and regulations put into place to govern their wealth. In this way they flaunt their country and show they are not loyal to anyone but themselves.