Following the prior Lemmy post about towels…

I wash once a week, is that sufficient or need I more frequency?

    • gullible
      147 months ago

      “Laundry stripping is a soaking process where you’re removing the built-up residue: excess laundry detergent, fabric softener, body oils, hard-water minerals… It’s something you do on towels that are already clean, not dirty.”

      “Fill a bathtub with hot water and add a quarter-cup of borax, a quarter-cup of washing soda (a.k.a. sodium carbonate) and a half-cup of detergent. Soak clean towels until the water cools (at least an hour), stirring occasionally. Then run the linens through the rinse cycle in your washing machine and dry them. Make sure to do this separately for lights and darks.”

      “Add an optional one to two small boxes of baking soda (especially if you have hard water) to soften and deodorize fabrics. You can also add more borax — up to a cup — if the laundry is moldy or musty.”

    • xjxkgljgkdk
      57 months ago

      I didn’t know either but I just looked it up. It says to soak towels in a borax solution in a bathtub or a bucket

    • uphillbothways
      7 months ago

      I’d generally heard ‘laundry stripping’ used to refer to a vinegar soak/rinse, followed by a baking soda cycle to further neutralize. The idea being laundry soap/detergent is basic and some things build up and don’t dissolve. Added borax was an alternative ‘laundry booster’ that made this unnecessary, as I’d heard it.

      But, it sounds like there’s some variability to how the terms are used and for some a borax rinse is a stripping process. Understandable, as the end result is pretty much the same.