• BaroqueInMind
    10 months ago

    Pretty much yes. Literally the only reason you live in a peaceful society is because you have delegated all violence to a specific group of people and armed them to ensure everyone follows the rules: it’s fucking called law enforcement.

    The cops are allowed the monopoly of all violence; if you need help, you call them because they have guns and can compel people (i.e. criminals) to do things by leveraging this fact, otherwise no one will listen to them.

    Do you seriously trust ALL cops to all maintain the idea that all gays and trans people deserve life? Most of them would not mind if society leaned extreme right and imprisoned all the “undesirables”. You are fucking delusional to put all your trust into them.

    • @TrousersMcPants@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      I don’t trust a single cop, but I also don’t trust many people to be allowed to have guns either. If you look at countries where guns are not readily available there is much less gun crime, and any guns that people get are coming from the US because we hand them out basically for free. If the US has stricter gun control it would most likely lower gun crime around the world even.

      Edit: another thing I want to mention, I don’t call cops if it can be at all avoided precisely because they do carry guns. Once you I produce a gun into a situation, it becomes instantly more dangerous and unless it is something like a mass shooting or a violent robbery I’m not gonna call the cops for shit.

    • @trafficnab@lemmy.ca
      110 months ago

      Basically this, people should consider disarming when the police and military do as well

      Until then, nobody should have a pure monopoly on violence