In the 2020 presidential election cycle, more than $14bn went to federal candidates, party committees, and Super Pacs – double the $7bn doled out in the 2016 cycle. Total giving in 2024 is bound to be much higher.

That money is not supporting US democracy. If anything, that money is contributing to rising Trumpism and neofascism.

  • Rottcodd
    417 months ago

    Of course they are - they’re psychopaths.

    They’re each and all people who, in a sane society, would be institutionalized in order to protect others from the harm they inevitably do as a consequence of their complete lack of principles, morals, empathy and remorse. But instead they’re allowed to run free, and this is what we get.

      137 months ago

      They’ve crunched the numbers on fascism and it turns out that a slave workforce you can execute for not hitting KPIs is great for businesses.

        67 months ago

        She’s pretty much the one exception. She’s the only billionaire that legitimately earned it without fucking over hundreds of minimum wage employees. The people who work her tours get comprehensive health insurance, and she pays the truckers $100k. She also kept a music store in I think Nashville alive during the pandemic.

        She’s become a global pop culture phenomenon akin to the Beatles, or at least close to them. It makes sense she’s made so much and it’s been actually moral.

        • Flying Squid
          17 months ago

          I’m not a fan of hers, but everything I’ve heard about her lately makes me think she’s a good person.

            47 months ago

            Several months ago I got back into a Taylor Swift kick by listening to Midnights, and it’s pretty much just stuck around. I read some interviews where she’s incredibly personable and eloquent, like stopping mid thought because she saw her cute cat lmao.

            There’s one that was done over the pandemic that I’m thinking of in particular, where she talks more about her politics and coming to realize that she can’t stay politely quiet. She used to have large 4th of July parties, but stopped having them sometime after 2016 and I inferred it was because she hated what was going on with Trump.

            Anyway, I highly recommend her. Her more recent works are a lot more cutting and introspective, and there’s a definite feminist undertone in how she’ll talk about gender norms and dating and the public impressions she has to give. I’m a fan of it.

            • Flying Squid
              37 months ago

              I’m old. If it wasn’t recorded past 1998 or so, I generally am not interested.