• @crystal@feddit.de
    10 months ago

    I’d need some kind of support network

    You say that as if being vegan is a life changing adventure that you have to go through great efforts and risks to venture.

    Like, just don’t eat milk products (etc), it’s not that big of a deal

    • lad
      410 months ago

      Actually, it is a rather life-changing and in some parts dangerous “adventure.” This is mainly because you need to keep a well-balanced diet not to get a lot of health issues, plus there are a lot of questions of what and how to cook that will also require research. All-in-all there are a lot of difficulties and having some support is always good even in minor things.

      • Yea, like I love ice cream. Non-dairy ice cream, not so much. So the thought of walking away from one of my life’s great pleasures is daunting.

        I don’t just like food. I LOVE food. I pick my vacation spots for the food. I’ll suffer through a boring work trip if it means new restaurants to try out. Going vegan will definitely impact how I approach food, social gatherings, meal prep, etc. It’s a lot.

        • @jandar_fett@lemmy.world
          310 months ago

          You’re absolutely right, but in the end, humans are very adaptive so if you really want to do something (within reason) you can. It is way easier to just make excuses as to why you can’t versus just trying something new out. It isn’t like you can’t go back to the old way if it isn’t working out for you, you know? I am not a vegan, but I’m in the culinary arts and if there is one thing I’ve learned it is that when it comes to food, you can just about make anything likeable to anybody. It is about presentation and the amount you effort. Granted, there are some exceptions like Cilantro tasting like soap for some, but for real. Effort and time is the big factor. Gotta experiment because it is an art.

          • Definitely! I don’t really miss meat when it isn’t in my food, but I do miss the protein and vitamins. I’m also diabetic, so unfortunately, I can’t eat rice and beans all day, or I absolutely would.

        • lad
          210 months ago

          Yeah, in such a case it will have an even bigger impact. Just don’t forget to take stuff like vitamins and other supplements that may be sparse after diet change, as it may also affect you