So it looks like Trump has read the fascist playbook or something. I’m not surprised. I am concerned.

Edit: After thinking about it, I guess I am surprised that he can read.

    18 months ago

    It’s a pretty piss poor attempt at a genocide by Israel. They have the armaments and ability to have wiped out everyone in Gaza by now. If they wanted thew Palestinians genocided, they could have done it already.

      8 months ago

      I think you are confused about the definition of genocide.

      It doesn’t mean to exterminate all people in an area.

      It means to kill large numbers of people based on their ethnicity or nationality, which Israel is doing. They not targeting Hamas, they’re targeting Palestinians, and they’re doing it in such a way to make Gaza uninhabitable. All the infra is being targeted. All the hospitals are being targeted. Over 40% of the housing units are destroyed already. It’s a genocide.