• ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
    -211 months ago

    Modern Germany is literally backing a genocide in Gaza right now, so yeah we can definitely criticize modern Germany for doing nazi stuff. Meanwhile, anybody who thinks that the same country that’s aiding and abetting a literal genocide is also helping people of Ukraine really needs to get their head checked.

    • Skua
      011 months ago

      Okay so you do have a problem with it. So what the fuck was with the, “Where did I say I had a problem with anything?”

      Meanwhile, anybody who thinks that the same country that’s aiding and abetting a literal genocide is also helping people of Ukraine really needs to get their head checked.

      “Britain supplying the Soviet Union with thousands of aircraft and tanks to fight the Nazis during WW2 was bad because Britain had a colonial empire.” No, these things don’t affect one another. They can, in fact, be evaluated differently.

      • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
        -211 months ago

        You just keep trying to put words in my mouth when I’m explaining basic facts to you. Must be a coping mechanism you’ve developed.

        • Skua
          011 months ago

          Don’t say stupid shit if you don’t want to be asked about why you said stupid shit. I haven’t put a single word in your mouth.

          • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
            -211 months ago

            You should really follow your own advice given that you’re the only one saying stupid shit here. The reality is that the west is cynically using Ukraine to fight a proxy war with Russia. Anybody who keeps pretending that the west is helping Ukraine is a deplorable piece of human garbage.

            • ormr
              011 months ago

              You’re the one posting stupid shit again and again. Russia shouldn’t have invaded, period. No country in the EU longed for war with Russia. On the opposite Russian governments have a very long history of being absolutely paranoid, thus justyfing annexation and assimilation of countless territories and peoples for the sake of “feeling secure”. It’s absolutely ridiculous to fall for this shitty narrative that fits so well with the rest of dumb Russian propaganda.

              Likewise there is no genocide in Gaza. If you’re in support of a terrorist group using hospitals, kindergartens, mosques, etc. to hide, keep hostages and store explosives, I’m really wondering how wicked one can be. Maybe you’re an antisemite?

              • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
                -611 months ago

                It’s pretty funny how you accuse me of posting stupid shit and then proceed to spew utter nonsense. Russia had no interest in invading Ukraine and was perfectly fine with the status quo, until the west overthrew the government in Ukraine. Then Russia tried to make Minsk work for 8 years while Ukraine and the west sabotaged it. Then finally, Russia gave NATO an ultimatum that NATO refused. There is overwhelming evidence now showing that aggressive NATO expansion was the reason for the war, and anybody who continues to spin this as anything else is deeply intellectually dishonest.

                Meanwhile, a top UN official recently resigned calling what’s happening in Gaza a genocide, and the fact that you rush in to white wash that really tells us what an utter deplorable piece of human garbage you truly are.

                • ormr
                  311 months ago

                  Russia had already acted in bad faith and abandoned it’s contractual obligations with regard to giving security guarantees (!) to Ukraine in exchange for Ukraine giving up the nuclear weapons on their soil after the fall of the soviet union. The Minsk negotiations took place AFTER Russia illegally annexed the Krim and moved troops into the Donbass to stage an insurrection.

                  Now you could say that some Western nations also didn’t honor their obligation to guarantee Ukraine’s sovereignty. But doing so would’ve meant open war with Russia so it’s partly understandable why they acted this way. And at least the West didn’t outright invade the country the pledged to protect like Russia did. It’s indefensible and you white washing these rogue and terrorist acts just shows what an utter deplorable piece of human garbage you truly are (did I word this correctly?)

                  An UN official having an opinion doesn’t make any claim about genocide in Gaza a fact btw.

                  • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
                    -611 months ago

                    Ukraine or the west never bothered to actually implement Minsk, and this is what even CNN was openly reporting was happening in 2014. Also, Ukraine never had nuclear weapons to give up, because these were Soviet nuclear weapons and Russia was officially recognized as the inheritor state to the Soviet Union.

                    And at least the West didn’t outright invade the country the pledged to protect like Russia did.

                    NATO and its individual members have been doing nothing but invading countries since USSR fell. Yugoslavia, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria are just a few examples. In fact, US currently illegally occupies a larger portion of Syria than Russia is occupying of Ukraine. You’re either an utter ignoramus or a liar.

                    An UN official having an opinion doesn’t make any claim about genocide in Gaza a fact btw.

                    That’s just one example of the expert and global consensus on the subject. The fact that you keep trying to paint it as anything else says everything we need to know about you.