A year after promising viewers a “red tsunami” in the 2022 midterms, only to be left with egg on their faces after the GOP drastically underperformed, Fox News was once again wondering what went wrong after Democrats romped to victory in statewide elections on Tuesday night.

Despite recent polls showing President Joe Biden deeply underwater with voters and even losing to Donald Trump in several battleground states, the Democratic incumbent governor easily won victory over his MAGA-endorsed opponent in deep-red Kentucky. And over in Ohio, a state Trump won by eight points in 2020, voters overwhelmingly passed an amendment ensuring access to abortion care in the state’s constitution.

The continued drag that undoing Roe v. Wade has had on the GOP was especially apparent in Virginia, where Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin had promised to implement a 15-week abortion ban if the GOP was able to gain unified control over the state’s General Assembly. Instead, not only were Youngkin’s hopes of a Republican sweep dashed, but the Democrats now control both chambers.

  • @hogunner@lemmy.world
    14611 months ago

    My crazy prediction is the only lesson the GOP will take from this is that they have to try to steal elections even harder.

    Keep voting at every legal opportunity you can people and great job yesterday!!

    • @CosmicTurtle@lemmy.world
      5111 months ago

      It’s not enough to vote.

      We need to be vigilant as we enter the presidential elections next year. Keep a close eye on secretaries of state or whomever certifies election results.

      2020 was a test run for the Alt-right and they have learned where the weaknesses are in the democratic process. They will most certainly attempt to steal the 2024 election by any means necessary, up to and including violence.

      • athos77
        1411 months ago

        They’re still working on it:

        Four county elections offices in Washington state were evacuated Wednesday after they received envelopes containing suspicious powders — including two that field-tested positive for fentanyl — while workers were processing ballots from Tuesday’s election. The elections offices were located in King County — home of Seattle — as well as Skagit, Spokane and Pierce counties, the Secretary of State’s Office said in emailed news release. Source

    • Veraxus
      3011 months ago

      “If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy.”

      • David Frum
    • @800XL@lemmy.world
      1211 months ago

      So many things to fix in the US alone that would do the world some good and the only thing the GOP can agree to fix is elections. BIG SAD.

    • @CADmonkey@lemmy.world
      411 months ago

      Vote in numbers too large to suppress.

      And because of the day Election day falls on next year:

      “Remember, remember, the 5th of November, The facist’s treason and plot; for there is a reason why facists and treason should never be forgot”

      (Someone better with words can probably improve this)

      Plan to take election day off next year. Take a vacation day, if you’re able, and if not, just plan not to show up to work. Stand in line. Get a camelbak or a big water bottle. But vote, because I’d rather start steering the right direction than crash into a wall.