• John Richard
      -28 months ago

      I honestly think people like you are why Trump ever got elected. You have no clue what kind of person @jo3jo3 and yet you call them stupid and spew almost the same kind of vile that you claim to warn against by them not voting. It really makes no sense to me how you can equate someone disillusioned with the entire process to be the same as someone who is out to get you. If you want more people to vote Democrat, then when people vote for your candidate merely because they hate the other candidate so much, then next time find a better candidate. Don’t tell them in 4 years, oh, we decided to not change a thing and you now have the same choice… either vote for our same mediocre candidate, or else the world will end. The doomsday gloom strategy only works if people believe you actually want change, not once you’ve shown them that is your entire strategy.

      In other words, you can ask for money saying you can’t pay your rent, but when I see you spending it while out partying and you ask me again… don’t expect me to trust you.

      • @Daft_ish@lemmy.world
        8 months ago

        That’s what you’re going with? People like me are the reason Trump got elected?

        Not the protest votes? Not the people who sat home? It was me who is responsible. The person who voted Hillary in a deep red state knowing it would amount to virtually nothing but held my nose and did it anyway. I’m the person responsible.

        Excuse me when I say it but… get fucked.

        • John Richard
          -28 months ago

          Yes… here you are calling people stupid instead of holding your own party accountable. If you actually had any awareness, you’d be telling people how the Democrats have changed since 2016. Or what the Democratic party has done different since 2020 to regain trust. Instead, your ad hominem attacks make you out to be the one lacking intelligence. The ironic thing is, us stupid people actually feel bad for people like you. Like, despite you telling us that you’ve hated us since 2016, we just hope that you leave the cult one day.

          • @Daft_ish@lemmy.world
            8 months ago

            Lol, no awareness. I am not a Democrat. If you can’t do the calculus to see a person like Trump should not be in government and anyone who thinks he should, should be opposed you are a lost cause. I can’t help you. Just do better, ok?

            • John Richard
              8 months ago

              No where did I say I supported Trump. Your mind doesn’t seem to comprehend that not voting doesn’t mean you support other candidate. Good luck to you too. I hope I don’t see you on the news for beating up a disabled person that didn’t vote on election day because you thought they were a Trump supporter.

              • @Daft_ish@lemmy.world
                8 months ago

                Get off it, you’re not morally superior. You’re just a coward who can’t accept that some people don’t understand how to compromise and mitigate shitty situations.