• @hark@lemmy.world
    118 months ago

    I wish it was simply a matter of “it’s not perfect” but the problem is actually “it’s not a democracy”. Just take a look at the approval rate of congress: https://news.gallup.com/poll/513410/congress-job-approval-drops-lowest-2017.aspx We’re supposedly in a representative democracy but the representatives have an approval rating of 13%. Tell me how that makes sense.

    You’re right, the war didn’t start this year, as Israel has been committing human rights violations and taking more and more Palestinian land for decades. Support for Palestine has only increased as more people have seen the truth and I attribute part of that to social media and the ability to share another side of the story (complete with recorded video, thanks to phones) instead of the narrative being dominated by large mainstream media outlets.

    • We’re supposedly in a representative democracy but the representatives have an approval rating of 13%. Tell me how that makes sense.

      Not trying to justify things as they stand, but an impprtant caveat is that’s for Congress as a whole. Ask people how they feel about their rep and you get much different numbers. Basically, everyone else is the problem.