• @Djtecha@lemm.ee
    108 months ago

    It’s an intellectually deficint argument. You know the gop called the vote and yet you want to act like this has anything to do with the democrats. The only reason you are pushing this “point” is to try to both sides this bullshit. You are doing nothing but attempting to push a narrative, a lazy one that no one is buying btw.

    • bedrooms
      8 months ago

      Wait, it’s not like OP criticized Trump and I said “but Hillary”.

      The OP’s argument was wrong. It was not Mat Gaetz’ “vote”. Dems did choose to oust McCarthy.

      That’s not “both side”. I just corrected OP.

      Edit: the context is that Rs votes split exactly as expected. Dems knew the expectation and chose to oust McCarthy. That’s a fact.

      • Tar_Alcaran
        58 months ago

        Edit: the context is that Rs votes split exactly as expected. Dems knew the expectation and chose to oust McCarthy. That’s a fact.

        This can NOT be serious. This argument is on the same level as “I didn’t punch him, I was just swinging my arms wildly and they put their face in the path of my fist”. Are you actually 5 years old, or just pretending?

          • bedrooms
            -28 months ago

            Not end of story. Rs against McCarthy didn’t reach majority.

              • bedrooms
                08 months ago

                If you don’t explain, please understand that I’m not interested in what emoji you use.

                • Alisca
                  18 months ago

                  @bedrooms @LaFinlandia @mawkishdave @Djtecha @Tar_alcaran only the Republicans had the power to keep McCarthy

                  They CHOSE not to exercise that power.

                  That had to happen first, before you factor in the Dems. Without that choice, the Dems would be irrelevant.

                  The Republicans MADE the Democrats relevant.

                  You’re choosing not to see that

                  • @fattylumpkin@sopuli.xyz
                    -18 months ago

                    Majority rule made the Dems relevant. Since that’s the entire structure of our democracy then maybe there’s a bit more strategy to it than you’re willing to observe.

        • bedrooms
          -28 months ago

          As I wrote, Rs against McCarthy didn’t reach majority.

          So, would you please take back that insult? Should I explain further what you don’t understand here?

          • Tar_Alcaran
            28 months ago

            Let me flip your argument: US conservatives always knew there would be roughly 212 democratic votes against anything they do.

            Why would they, with 221 votes in their side, do something like this? If they didn’t want this to happen, why would conservatives take this action?

            Why do democrats have to clean up conservative messes? Why can’t they be adults and act responsibly?

            • bedrooms
              08 months ago

              Can you explain to me why my comment equated to “I didn’t punch him, I was just swinging my arms wildly and they put their face in the path of my fist”?

              I don’t see how.

              • Tar_Alcaran
                28 months ago

                Conservatives started this by starting the vote, by having people like Gaetz in the party without doing anything about it. Conservatives are letting MAGA idiots into their party without issue. Conservatives then start a vote to get rid of someone democrats loathe, and they do exactly what’s expected, enabled by a number of conservatives who could easily stop such a vote since they’re the larger party.

                Then conservatives completely fail to clean up the mess they created. And now you’re saying “why would democrats allow us to remove our own speaker? Don’t they know everyone gets hurts when we’re allowed to do the things we do?”

                • bedrooms
                  18 months ago

                  I think you assume I’m pro-Republican. I’m actually not.

                  We can agree that Republicans are the cause of this problem.

                  I was just correcting OP’s comment. I clarified that further in some of the comments here.

                  In the original comment, I even wrote that I’m not suggesting Ds are to be blamed.

                • bedrooms
                  8 months ago

                  I actually (mostly) agree with that. I know conservatives are bad. Can you finally explain to me why you equated my comment to “I didn’t punch him…”?

                  Wait, I think I’m too tired now as it’s late in the night here. I’ll reply tomorrow if I find the motivation.

        • bedrooms
          -38 months ago

          You’re just shouting “dishonest”. Can you tell me exactly which part of my text is dishonest? It feels as if you’re in tribalism where you label any inconvenient fact as dishonesty and move on to protect yourself.

      • @fattylumpkin@sopuli.xyz
        -18 months ago

        It is a fact.

        Really wish Lemmyverse liberals here weren’t exactly as pedantic and defensive as they are on every other social media site.

        • bedrooms
          08 months ago

          Well, thank god, I occasionally find someone with reading skills here.