Craig Mokhiber, director of human rights body, accuses the US, UK and much of Europe as ‘wholly complicit in the horrific assault’

    18 months ago

    Lmao, if you think its religion why we’re tribal. Even without religion we’d be finding stupid ways and reasons to kill each other. I want to empathize with your emotional exhaustion with the state of humanity, but blindly throwing shade towards religion makes it hard. Yes there are a lot of people that use it as an excuse to be hateful and shitty, but those people where always going to find reasons for that. Religion ALSO gets used by many for a sense of peace/hope in a complex world, and as a reason to be good to others/love one another. And before you call me brainwashed, I’m ALSO athiest, but I get sick of other arhiests making us look like holier (ironic) than thou jackasses

      -18 months ago

      did I say anywhere that I think religion is why we’re tribal?

      did I? or are you fighting a straw man right now?

        8 months ago

        You said that that you have no hope that religious wars wont go away because religioun wont go away, which yeah, sure thats how technicalities work. But the EXACT same type of wars would still happen without religion because, as you yourself pointed out, we’re tribal creatures. I’m not straw manning, I’m pointing out you’re being needlessly shitty to religion. But yeah, sure accuse me of straw manning, that’ll increase my empathy towards you! Its pretty funny that you yourself are engaging in similar seed behavior towards the thing thats exhausting you