• @masquenox@lemmy.world
      198 months ago

      Yep… after all - if you see a Palestinian child without a Hamas “terrorist” hiding behind them it just proves how sneaky they are!

      (s/ - for the terminally bewildered)

    • @Maggoty@lemmy.world
      128 months ago

      They’ve been doing that for 20 years. Possibly earlier but that’s around when I started following it.

    • @SexyTimeSasquatch@lemmy.world
      -18 months ago

      Well, I mean, to be fair, Hamas frequently does actually use hospitals and refugee camps as human shields. It doesn’t make blowing up thousands of innocent people okay, but don’t act like Israel is blowing up camps for no reason. They’re doing it because Hamas are cowardly pieces of shit who hide behind children and sick people. Everyone is horrible in this except the innocent people dying in the crossfire.

          • @doctorcrimson@lemmy.today
            38 months ago

            Yes, but I was alluding that, if it were there goal, then a ground force could pick terrorist targets without killing excess civilians.

            • @masquenox@lemmy.world
              8 months ago

              That’s not how colonialist warfare - oops, sorry, I meant to say “counter-terrorism” - works. You don’t wage “counter-terrorism” against the people actively resisting the colonialist power - that’s ineffective - instead, you wage war against the people the resistance originates from and exists within. That’s the part of “people’s war” that gets left unsaid - it works both ways. That is the reason why so much “counter-terrorism” looks no different than genocide - genocide is the only true effective means of dealing with stubborn and organised anti-colonial resistance.

              edit: I have to add - this is the reason why talk of “civilians” is mere propaganda and little else - the nature of colonialist warfare fundamentally rejects concepts such as “civilian” and “combatant.” You are either a member of the “other” or you are not - it’s the reason why white supremacism is such a usefult ideology for colonizers.

              • @doctorcrimson@lemmy.today
                18 months ago

                Civillians exist and the majority in Gaza do not support Hamas as of their most recent election, probably even less now. You know that unless you actually adhere to the self identifying white supremacist philosophy you just spouted, so I don’t see any point in your comment.

                • @masquenox@lemmy.world
                  -18 months ago

                  Civillians exist

                  As I have already explained to you… white supremacist settler-colonialist states do not distinguish between civilians and combatants - the enemy is a racialized other who must either be enslaved, repressed and/or exterminated. That is it. End of story - white supremacism doesn’t work any other way and never has.

                  If you live in the US, you should have no trouble understanding this - unless your history teachers fell down on the job or had a good reason to misinform you.

                  majority in Gaza do not support Hamas

                  Most people in Vietnam did not support Ho Chi Minh - but they sure as hell knew who it was that was handing out AKs when colonizers started indiscriminately napalming their villages, didn’t they?

                  • @doctorcrimson@lemmy.today
                    18 months ago

                    As I have already explained to you… white supremacist settler-colonialist states do not distinguish between civilians and combatants - the enemy is a racialized other who must either be enslaved, repressed and/or exterminated. That is it. End of story - white supremacism doesn’t work any other way and never has.

                    As I have already explained to you, I don’t give a fuck what white supremacist settler-colonialist states think about the existence of civilians, nobody asked, and neither should you.

        • @DoomBot5@lemmy.world
          -148 months ago

          Wait, so targeting terrorist infrastructure is indiscriminate? I don’t think that word means what you think it means.

          • @Auli@lemmy.ca
            48 months ago

            Yep when everything you hit is terrorist infrastructure. It’s the old take a shot and say exactly where I was aiming.

          • @doctorcrimson@lemmy.today
            48 months ago

            When terrorist infrastructure is homes, roads, utilities, and hospitals where attacking kills thousands of children and innocent civilians, then yes. That is the exact definition of indiscriminate: it kills everyone without consideration.

              • @Sparlock@lemmy.world
                38 months ago

                DING, DING, DING ! That is the correct answer.

                Though it seems hard for people when it is reframed as…

                I heard there were IDF soldiers Hamas guerrillas at the music festival refugee camp. Does that make it ok now?

                Suddenly they are tripping over themselves to justify why they answer Yes.