• Cosmic Cleric
    08 months ago

    I wonder exactly at what point in this unsurvivable train wreck it’ll make sense to stop singing Kumbaya and take out the pitchforks.

    We are a long way away from unsurvivable, no need for hysterics.

    Also, violence is always an option when survival is at stake. However, it should be the last option, and not the first option.

    • @1847953620@lemmy.world
      08 months ago

      Long is a relative term. We’ve managed to prolong the date to which civilization will “survive”, but we’re still talking about migrant crises and death of millions in this century, to color in some parameters of what this version of survival means. We’re still on the path to self-destruction in single-digit generations.

      We might be “ok” once the “hysterics” boil up to produce more regulation, if they do, the difference of “when” is how much irreversible damage are we going to create and how many ripple-effect issues are we willing to accept on behalf of many generations to come.

      As Al Barlett said, "The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function. "

      • Cosmic Cleric
        08 months ago

        We’re still on the path to self-destruction in single-digit generations.

        I mean, we’ve been there since the invention of the atomic bomb, and we’re all still here to talk about it on Lemmy.

        I’m truly not saying that things cannot go to shit in a heartbeat, but my point is that we always tend to dance close to the edge but not go over it, at some point we always instinctively pull back.

        So when someone looks at an individual moment in time downturn as an inevitability to the end times, it’s just something I feel the need to push back on, as we are a long way from game over.

                  • Cosmic Cleric
                    8 months ago

                    Pay very close attention to the time scale, very close.

                    Looks like the moral of the story of that graph is to rehire Genghis Khan to lower the temperature again.

                    Edit: Just to remind you of the original point I was making, when replying to your original comment, as we’re drifting far away from it at this point. …

                    YOU: I wonder exactly at what point in this unsurvivable train wreck it’ll make sense to stop singing Kumbaya and take out the pitchforks.

                    ME: We are a long way away from unsurvivable, no need for hysterics.

                    I’m not trying to dismiss climate change, quite the opposite, I believe it’s happening and that we should do everything we can to fight it.

                    But to say its unsurvivable is just b.s. The species will carry on.