Iceland’s prime minister and women across the island nation are on strike to push for an end to unequal pay and gender-based violence.

  • bioemerl
    9 months ago

    Nobody is “coming” for anyone here.

    I’m happy to see Hollywood fail because I don’t like Hollywood. It needs to shatter and media needs to be produced by a more diverse set of areas across the country and not be in the hands of Disney and the screen actors/writers guild.

    I’m happy to see these strikes from women fail because they’re demanding an end to the wage gap (aka, they want to work less and get paid the same) and yet even more draconian “safety” laws.

    I wish the auto workers the best, but their cars suck and they should all be out of business.

      89 months ago

      Imagine being so colossally stupid that you think researchers don’t account for ‘hours worked’ when they investigate stuff like the wage gap…

      • bioemerl
        -19 months ago

        When they do, along with other controls, the wage gap largely disappears.

    • DarkenLM
      39 months ago

      Oh, so because of the decisions of a small group of investors, all the workers who work on the factories just to survive are to blame and should be unemployed? And women that want to have EQUAL rights (go look up the definition of the word, if you can’t figure out it’s meaning) should fail because of your false opinion.

      God, I’ve seen a lot of pathetic people, but you fit in one of the lowest levels I’ve seen.

      • bioemerl
        -19 months ago

        because of the decisions of a small group of investors, all the workers who work on the factories just to survive are to blame and should be unemployed

        Ideally they’d find jobs at companies that don’t make shit cars when people in mass stop buying the American ones.

        And women that want to have EQUAL rights

        Like I said. They want to work less and be paid the same. They don’t want equal rights, they want special privileges.

        Happy to be pathetic in your eyes. The alternative is be a thoughtless pushover.

        • Drusas
          49 months ago

          You clearly do not, in fact, understand what the word “equal” means. They want more pay because they’re paid less. But I know me explaining to you won’t end your self-centered attitude and misogyny.

          • bioemerl
            -19 months ago

            They want more pay because they’re paid less.

            Pay isn’t just given to you. If you don’t work the same hours you shouldn’t be paid the same.

            If you demand you get paid the same regardless, you’re a selfish asshole, not fighting for equality.

            • Star
              39 months ago

              They would still work the same hours. What is your argument?

              • bioemerl
                -19 months ago

                They currently aren’t working the same hours. When you control for job choice and hours worked the pay gap goes away.

                  • bioemerl
                    -19 months ago

                    At this point you’re just asserting a falsehood. There is little else to say.