A Lemmy community for worldbuilders. Instance rules
[https://meta.r3df0x.com/rules] ### Rules * All posts need to be related to
worldbuilding or a worldbuilding project. * Worldjerking belongs in
c/Worldjerking * Memes about your world belong in c/Worldmemeing. * Be
respectful and constructive with criticism at all times. You are encouraged to
give reality checks if necessary, but you must remain civil. * Worlds that are
intended to promote unfounded prejudice or bigotry are not allowed. You can
absolutely express such ideas within a world, but the context of the world
should not promote such ideas. * Remain civil. Don’t engage in flame wars or
make personal attacks. #### Regarding morals and politics It’s pretty much
impossible and bad moderation to exclude content with a particular moral or
political message, but make sure that all agendas and messages take a backseat
to actual worldbuilding. It’s fine to create a world that happens to promote a
particular message, but not to create a world for a particular message. This
will be a very subjective rule but at least make sure that you have some sort of
substance behind your world that isn’t blatantly pushing an agenda.
I created a worldbuilding community for Lemmy users. There are worldjerking and worldmemeing companion subs that will be linked from there. c/Worldbuilding is a place for creators to share contents from fictional worlds that they create. Almost anything that you create for you world can be shared.
Hi there! Looks like you linked to a Lemmy community using a URL instead of its name, which doesn’t work well for people on different instances. Try fixing it like this: !worldbuilding@7.62x54r.ru
Hmm, I’m getting an error. Maybe jeroboa is treating it like two different links? !worldbuilding@7.62x54r.ru
If you enter https://7.62x54r.ru/c/worldbuilding into the search bar on your instance it should come up. Sometimes it takes a few seconds.
Hi there! Looks like you linked to a Lemmy community using a URL instead of its name, which doesn’t work well for people on different instances. Try fixing it like this: !worldbuilding@7.62x54r.ru