Black Mirror creator unafraid of AI because it’s “boring”::Charlie Brooker doesn’t think AI is taking his job any time soon because it only produces trash

          39 months ago

          Yes. Honestly it’s crazy how much people read into ChatGPT, when in practice it’s effectively just a dice roller that depends in incredibly big dataset to guess what’s the most likely word to come next.

          There’s been some research about this, the fact that people are assigning intelligence into things that ML does. Because it doesn’t compute for us that something can appear to make sense without actually having any intelligence. To humans, the appearance of the intelligence is enough to assume intelligence - even if it’s just a result of a complicated dice roller.

      19 months ago

      AI has been being developed for 50 years and the best we can do so far is a dunning-kruger sim. Sure, who knows what it “can do” at some point, but I wouldn’t hold my breath.