Black Mirror creator unafraid of AI because it’s “boring”::Charlie Brooker doesn’t think AI is taking his job any time soon because it only produces trash

      79 months ago

      100% correct. The IRC channel I hang out in has a bot utilizing ChatGPT and it does a summary of the most recent conversations when someone joins.

      Sometimes, it does a great job! It impresses me how well it’s able to summarize multiple ongoing conversations in a succinct way.

      …and often times, it gets shit quite wrong. Not the actual topics, those it’s good at – but it is outright terrible at correctly indicating who actually said what.

      Granted this is all to be expected – it’s an LLM, not really AI.

      19 months ago

      They wouldn’t have AI produce the whole show like that, it’s like feeding it a context to create dialogue within set parameters.