House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) called for Republicans to “get their act together” and elect the next speaker while slamming the “extremists” within their party.

  • Republicans would never agree to a Democrat speaker.

    You don’t know that. Their entire house is broken. Dem’s need five. Its 100% on the table.

      01 year ago

      You think there are currently FIVE R’s in the House who are willing to put the well being of this country before their party?

      HA HA.


      • Oh you mistake me.

        I think there are 5 R’s who are dumb enough to make a show of things by voting for a Dem, just to spite their opponents within the party. Its always the dumbest people who think they are the smartest.

        I quite literally think that some R’s would actually cut off their nose to spite their face to “own” their perceived opponents.

        I put nothing past them and leave everything on the table.