Israel’s military has informed the United Nations that the entire population of northern Gaza should relocate to the southern half of the territory within 24 hours, the U.N. spokesman, Stéphane Dujarric, said late on Thursday night, adding that such a movement — involving over one million people — would lead to “devastating humanitarian consequences.”

“The same order applied to all U.N. staff and those sheltered in U.N. facilities — including schools, health centers and clinics,” Mr. Dujarric said.

The U.N. was told that the marker dividing the north from south was Wadi Gaza, the statement said.

The U.N. Security Council is scheduled to hold an emergency meeting on Friday afternoon in a closed consultation format

    439 months ago

    Maybe not false flag but I absolutely believe they let it happen on purpose. Netanyahu and Co have been setting this up for years after creating hamas and making sure they were the only governing body that could exist there.

    This is the final step to their plan to “solve” the Gaza strip problem. A sort of… final solution I guess?

      189 months ago

      We’ve heard the iron dome touted as one of the most sophisticated defense systems for ever… yet the attack happens, and it just… does nothing?

      Yeah, no. The IDF let this happen. Israel let their own citizens get slaughtered so they would have an excuse to terrorize Palestinians.