I do recognise that a lot of it is probably just playing up for the joke, but I assume it has to come from somewhere. I regularly see posts where basically Person A sends an odd image/message, then follows up with “wrong number, sorry” and Person B responds with “wait stay”.

Do Americans, as a rule, not save phone numbers? Or is it purely a bit that has become a trope?

  • ℕ𝕖𝕞𝕠
    361 year ago

    It’s a old meme from before cell phones. You used to just, like, memorize your friends’ phone numbers.

    • themeatbridge
      151 year ago

      I remember when you could call a local number without the area code. Once area codes were required, there was a short period of time with a lot of wrong numbers dialed.

      You also used to just pick up the phone when it rang. Before caller ID, the phone would ring and you’d answer it every time, never sure of who might be on the other end.