Both Republican and Democratic senators emphasize that any successor to Kevin McCarthy will inherit the divided government that befell him — with another shutdown looming.

    879 months ago

    They’re not trying to pass anything…

    They want the government shut down. And a handful of em can do it on their own, so they are

      419 months ago

      Exactly . This looks great for Gaetz since he only cares about pandering to the Nazi extremes of his party. He doesn’t care if the government shuts down, to him that’s just stopping the democrats. He will spin it that way and his base will lap it up. Most won’t be impacted and the ones who are he figures won’t matter.

      Our government is effectively frozen and at the end of the month it’s going to shut down entirely. A handful of maga fucks have figured out how to do that with our antiquated rules set in place by men who believed all men would forever possess a conscience and morality. These shit goblins possess neither.

      We need a democratic super majority so that we can pass sweeping reforms and ensure this doesn’t happen again. We need the ability to oust these cucks so they’re forced to scurry back into whatever hole they crawled out of. Trumps going down. Rudy is broke. Johnny MyPillow is eating shit. Keep that energy, focus in on the rest of these traitors. Send them back to the dysfunctional states that shit them out and remind them that their federal funding is dependent on them not being complete ass hats. No more pandering to these idiots. Bring the hammer down hard.

      • Buelldozer
        9 months ago

        This looks great for Gaetz…

        I’ll bet 100 USD that Gaetz isn’t around much longer. My guess is that he’ll be bounced out of the HoR before the end of the year, maybe right after they restart in 2024 but no longer than that. He ended his political career with this stunt.

          179 months ago

          I’d love to see it but the republicans have to do it themselves and they’ve shown that there’s next to nothing they won’t tolerate to keep a voting body.

          Now what’s interesting to me is Madison Cawthorn going down pretty much immediately. And what did he do that bought him such a quick exit? While they’ll claim x or y, to me it was him talking about republican cocaine orgies. Which sounds outlandish. But there was an immediate concentrated effort to oust him. He had that picture get dropped and whatnot. What spooked them? Odd that such an outlandish thing would get them worked up. Unless of course it’s true. Hrmmmm.

          39 months ago

          I don’t know I just heard an NPR article where they were interviewing people from Pensacola and it seemed the stupid republicans were happy he made this move.

        • themeatbridge
          29 months ago

          He’s going to run for Governor of Florida, and he is currently popular enough to win.

      • TwoGems
        39 months ago

        Start volunteering for 2024 then! We all got some work to do in the elections this year

        179 months ago

        Nope, they want to shut it all down because they don’t think there should be a federal government.

        They’ll blame it on the Dems, but that’s not why they want it shutdown

        • themeatbridge
          79 months ago

          Also because shutting down the US funding for Ukraine is good for Russia.

        89 months ago

        That may be their plan, but for the first time in my life it feels like nobody is buying that bullshit right now. We have news presenters and reporters actively laughing at Republican representatives when they try to swing the blame, and I feel the public at large understands exactly what’s happening.