They think trans women have an unfair advantage in… fishing?

Three members of an English women’s fishing team in England are refusing to compete at the world championships due to the fact that one of their own teammates is trans.

The Shore Angling World Championships will take place in Italy in November, and the board of the sport’s governing body, the Angling Trust, has said it will not prevent trans angler Becky Lee Birtwhistle Hodges from applying to compete.

    -61 year ago

    Again no, checking people’s genitalia is taking it to the extreme. If there are leagues or organizations that allow inclusion like that and everyone is ok with it then thats good, but for the vast majority of people that want separate gendered sports that is ok too.

    Calling this a facepalm means you don’t care about how these women feel, which is sad since all they want is a safe womens only space in a WOMEN’S championship.

      21 year ago

      Quick, easy question: are trans women, women? Yes? Then they can be in the WOMENS ONLY space, because they are women.

      No? You’re a transphobe.

      Or are you suggesting we should segregate white women and black women too?