• Solar Bear
    11 year ago

    Those laws will be enforced if someone breaks them

    Laws are enforced when the enforcer’s perception is that the law has been broken, not when the law is actually broken. Laws do not enforce themselves, they are enforced by humans, and those humans have beliefs. For example, many believe all drag is sexual. This means that the law will be enforced as such. Do you understand? This is the last time I will attempt to get you to acknowledge this simple fact of reality before I give up and assume you are either too stupid to understand this, or do understand it and are simply lying.

    I’m choosing to be very kind by letting your attempted pedojacketing of me slide, as long as you finally acknowledge this.

    • @cricket97@lemmy.world
      01 year ago

      I don’t accept your premise. I’ve said this numerous times. The bill clearly defines sexual conduct, it isn’t going to be up to some individual thinking all drag is sexual, you have to actually violate one of the clearly laid out descriptions of what constitutes sexual nature.

      • Solar Bear
        11 year ago

        Okay, let’s go down that rabbit hole, if only to prove you are not actually principled on the matter. Tell me what is defined to be “sexual gesticulations”, as referenced in section 43.28, subsection 1E. This should be easy to resolve if the boundaries of the law are as clearly defined as you keep saying it is.

        • @cricket97@lemmy.world
          11 year ago

          You should post the full sentence. The fact that you are leaving it out suggests that you aren’t being entirely honest with your arguments.

          the exhibition of sexual gesticulations using accessories or prosthetics that exaggerate male or female sexual characteristics.

          Using accessories or prosthetics. Basically don’t mimic sex using props. Seems pretty straightforward.

          • Solar Bear
            01 year ago

            That… doesn’t answer my question at all, and I’m beginning to suspect you aren’t good at paying attention.

            That doesn’t define what a “sexual gesticulation” is. It just defines that it is illegal when done with those prosthetics. So what is a sexual gesticulation?

            • @cricket97@lemmy.world
              11 year ago

              It basically just means sexual gestures. You can look up what the word means. Not sure what point you are trying to make.

              • Solar Bear
                1 year ago

                Oh, it basically just means this thing that isn’t clearly defined. Oh, you can just look it up. Look it up where, exactly? What texts are legally admissible to define this? Is it dealer’s choice? And where is the line drawn, because a gesture can be sexual in one context and not in another. If someone thinks all drag is sexual, would that not influence how they interpret such a gesture?

                This is what I meant. You made a big deal about it being supposedly “clearly defined”. When shown that a crucial part of the law isn’t clearly defined, you don’t actually care, because it never actually mattered to you if it was. So what was the point of all this? Why did you waste my time with this act?

                  • Solar Bear
                    1 year ago

                    This isn’t pedantic. Have you even read the law that you keep demanding everybody else read? The law makes reference to a strict definition for the word “premises”, but it’s pedantic to expect one for “sexual gesticulation”? They did that on purpose.

                    It’s very easy to admit being wrong about the law being clearly defined, that you just didn’t think of every way it can be abused. However, I don’t believe you actually care about it being clearly defined at all. That’s why you’re deflecting now and suddenly acting all disinterested. You’ve been caught and now you’re defending your ego.

                    So I have to ask again; why the act? What was the purpose of all this? Simply be honest about your beliefs and stop with all this smokescreen nonsense. You don’t have to act like a weasel if you just say what you really believe.