That is not my dog

    9 months ago

    Was the pedophile accusation in the same thread in which you were claiming drag shows are too sexual for children? Was the disagreement about policing in the thread where you said rehabilitation doesn’t work and the only way to keep society safe is to lock up more people?

    e1: the post wishing death on was in response to their multiple comments defending the dangerous actions of police that resulted in the death of a bystander made in a thread on !, which has explicit rules against defending the police.

    here’s the post:

    CW: descriptions of death

    You’re a bootlicking asshole who worships cops. Your idea of justice is catch the “criminal” and damn anyone that gets in the way. Fuck you man. I hope you become some of that collateral damage one day. I hope your family gets to miss you because you were in the wrong place at the wrong time as some careless pig chased a stolen car straight into your driver’s side door.

    and here’s the thread in question in case anyone else wants to read it

        39 months ago

        I’m not sure if it does myself but I wanna read what happened and those were the most recent threads I saw that roughly fit the description.

          19 months ago

          He told The Police Problem that police should be able to police people. The result was unsurprising.

          That’s a group of people who are utterly cooked.

      09 months ago

      So what? None of those opinions justify the threats I got. I do think drag shows are often too sexual for children. And I do believe rehabilitation should take a backseat to keeping people on the street safe. That was the basis for which I received those threats for, and predictably people like you come and imply I deserve it.

        19 months ago

        I haven’t had time to read the drag show thread but I didn’t see anyone wishing death upon you in the policing thread after a quick glance. Can you link it if I missed that reply?

                9 months ago

                thanks for providing the link! lemmy modlog can be hard to navigate sometimes so i understand it might take a while to chase the other post down.

                you went into a thread in !thepoliceproblem about an innocent bystander getting killed due to cops actions and defended the police. here’s the other person’s entire reply, for posterity:

                cw: descriptions of death

                You’re a bootlicking asshole who worships cops. Your idea of justice is catch the “criminal” and damn anyone that gets in the way. Fuck you man. I hope you become some of that collateral damage one day. I hope your family gets to miss you because you were in the wrong place at the wrong time as some careless pig chased a stolen car straight into your driver’s side door.

                I do not hope that you die.

                after reading your responses in that thread i do think that person is right about everything else though. you go out of your way to defend the criminal justice system and the carceral state in the context of a discussion about how it’s endangering bystanders in a space that is explicitly about the problems with the carceral state, the criminal justice system and militant policing.

                you’re the problem in that thread, not someone mouthing off because you didn’t read the room.

                the room, by the way, has “If you’re here to support the police, you’re trolling. Please exercise your right to remain silent.” as rule number two right there in the sidebar, so there’s really no excuse for acting the way you did and then snapping back at the person who politely pointed that out to you later in that thread.

                look forward to seeing the other post.

                  29 months ago

                  I never would have guessed disagreeing is actually worse than wishing death on someone for disagreeing, thank you for the lesson in ethics


                  29 months ago

                  This all seems like excuses to justify someone wishing death upon another person. Btw, this showed up on the frontpage, and I’m not going to read the novel of rules for every single subreddit (or whatever the lemmy equivalent is) I participate in. Although they do have the right to ban me (which they did and I’m not complaining).

                  tl;dr wishing death upon other commenters is fine as long as they are posting something that is disagreeable

                    19 months ago

                    Here’s that novel of rules:


                    ① Real-life decorum is expected. Please don’t say things only a child or a jackass would say in person.

                    ② If you’re here to support the police, you’re trolling. Please exercise your right to remain silent.

                    ③ Saying cops should be killed lowers the IQ in any conversation. They’re about killing people; we’re not.

                    Please also abide by the instance rules.

                    That’s for anyone reading along, I believe you when you say you’re not gonna read them.

                    I don’t wish death on you.

                    You seem like a heartless and knowingly thoughtless person who feels entitled to be heard but not to listen or abide by norms, complaining of the wounds others have put upon you but silent about your own transgressions.

                    My sympathy lies with the embattled users afflicted by your awful posts rather than you, cursed to know that people who interact with you hate you.

                    I don’t think that’s all there is to you. If you want to be seen in a more charitable light, maybe read all those rules before you post, take some time to consider the place, time and context of what you’re reading and of course, remember the person on the other side of the keyboard.

                    You can also use a platform that accepts your behavior. Reddit and twitter aren’t closed to new users.

                  19 months ago

                  No, they commented on an article about an innocent bystander being killed by a criminal fleeing the law. And I certainly don’t support people forming a rabid circle jerk and banning anyone who disagrees with them, regardless of the topic.

                  Both you, and the person you’re agreeing with, need to re-think your lives a bit, because neither of you seem to be able to cope with someone disagreeing with you in a civilised manner.

      09 months ago

      I’m not surprised it was the police problem, they think police should be unable to do anything, companies should accept theft as a cost of doing business, and they will scream like chimpanzees in the comments if you disagree with them.

      Utterly deranged group of people.