That is not my dog

    1 year ago

    I said I miss learning through osmosis, when you hear colleagues talking about something you may have heard of or read about but never seen in real life. So you get hands on practical real life experience on new concepts - or vice versa, teach someone else something new. You know, a healthy exchange of knowledge and ideas to help each other learn and grow. Fuck me, right?

    This guy posted a 3000 word rant about how much he hates me, and he’s going to need weeks to prepare for that mentally and make sure he’s got the right outfit on and knows what kind of soda to offer me. Like dude wtf…

      11 year ago

      Think I actually remember seeing this lol. I saw some fuckin weirdo on a post about how quality of life and level of extreme poverty has only risen saying he doesn’t care about that, just that he’s fighting to stay work from home, that no doctor will agree with him on being adhd, and that he’s tired of working a job that he HAS to socialize with people saying he wish he hadn’t been born. Meanwhile, long term relationship, no money problems, but boohoo life is so unfair and the usual city dweller cringe doomerisms.

      These people are fucking delusional and in their own psychosis I swear.