What an enjoyable cozy scifi adventure! The story centers around a security bot with a self-hacked governor module, who refers to itself privately as “Murderbot” and likes to watch serials and movies surreptitiously in it’s free time. The socially awkward bot repeatedly assures us that it definitely does not care about humans. When the team of scientists which have hired Murderbot are confronted by life threatening situations, it goes out of it’s way to save their lives if only just so it is not labelled as an incompetent. Over the course of the story we observe how it’s relationship with the humans in the group develops and changes. Murderbot’s at times hilarious internal monologues concerning “her humans” were my favourite parts of the book. So those of you who have read the book, how did you like it? How are the rest of the books in the series?

  • AFK BRB Chocolate
    31 year ago

    A little late to the party but I recently finished the fifth book. All of them are great so far, well worth the time.

    • Bebo
      21 year ago

      Oh that’s good to know. Can’t wait to dig into this series.

      • @seaQueue@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        They’re finally selling an ebook collection including all of the novellas on the major platforms too. I’ve been waiting for it to go on sale. I’ve already read them but liked them enough to want to buy a copy.