The referendum would enshrine in Australia’s constitution an Indigenous Voice to Parliament. The Voice would advise on policies that impact the nation’s most disadvantaged ethnic minority.

  • Oh no, not at all. European colonists are responsible for uncounted atrocities all over the world. Of their time, of course but unforgivable in this day and age.

    I’m saying that the ‘No vote’ so-called “grassroots” is largely bullshit and is being stirred-up by Putin’s minions as yet another ingredient to help destabilise the West.

      -31 year ago

      Wait, what? You think colonialism is an atrocity but that the West is stable enough to require “Putin’s minions” to try to destabilize it?

      Are you of the belief that the atrocities of colonialism have ended and the West has emerged more stable?

      This just doesn’t make any sense. The West has been unstable for centuries. It is constantly needing to commit major acts of violence against people and land in order to create the next phase of temporary “stability” as it careens from one crisis to the next. Russia, or is you imagine, Putin personally, doesn’t need to do anything to destabilize the West. The colonized people are slowly building the momentum necessary to decolonize themselves. Africa went through it first and found how the West captured the efforts and corruptes them. Everyone watched and learned. This is a new phase in decolonization that won’t allow the colonists to corrupt their movement.

      Attributing Western instability to some Asiatic evil genius and his blind unfeeling hordes is settler thinking.

          -31 year ago

          Man, you are going for the full DARVO response, aren’t you, you little colonizer you. There’s no way anyone could possibly critique your position, is there? If they disagree with you, then they must paid Russian shills. Denying that Russian propaganda is causing instability in Australia’s colonial context is ONLY explainable by Russian propaganda. Such a neat little mental package you’ve created for yourself so you don’t have to deal with reality.

          Listen, you can be delusional. It’s OK. It’s not gonna help you in the future when the contradictions of white settler society come to a head and finally get resolved. But for now, I get it. You need this delusion to maintain your emotional stability. Good luck out there!

          • I’m saying it’s both Russian trolls and plenty of homegrown colonial racism. I do honestly think though that the trolls have weaponised social media to create an astro-turfed permission structure in western societies where we had previously been pretty good at starting to smash that racist shit out towards the past.

              1 year ago

              White settlers are never going to smash that racist shit out while occupying territory they acquired via genocide.

              • We don’t have a time machine etc. We do have a sort of democracy, as flawed as it is. Voting ‘Yes’ can make an small but important step towards empowering the currently disenfranchised subjugated aboriginal people who didn’t deserve the colonial hand they got dealt.

                So, what’s your problem?

                  -31 year ago

                  A democracy created by settlers is never going to decolonize itself. The only solution is for the indigenous nations to control the entire continent and oversee the process of decolonization.