• FuglyDuck
    21 year ago

    Replying again…. Thanks for the movie tip. That was a spectacular one.

    Note to self: when connecting super powerful thinking computer to nukes… make sure to include some kind of failsafe. A purely physical one that cannot be undone…

    Vaguely reminds me of war games in some aspects.

    • @ours@lemmy.film
      21 year ago

      Glad to hear you liked it. The movie went in a direction I didn’t expect and was very, very interesting.

      The movie “Eagle Eye” took a lot of plot points from this one.

      Aaaand speaking of failsafe, not sci-fi but if you want some gripping military nuclear drama, Fail Safe (1964) is one of my favorites. It’s not a horror movie in any traditional way but it sure terrified me more than any horror movie ever did (it actually gave me a nightmare).

      • FuglyDuck
        1 year ago

        I feel like Colossus could do with a sequel or two. I hate to mention it because I’m still quite pissed at the marvel-ization of sci fi. (“OH, it’s got space ships.”…) but, they could definitely round it out with a sequel coming up maybe ten years later or so?

        explore the need for freedom and for order. some what more recent, dealing more with VR and such is the 13th Floor.

        oh. and the movie that gave me random nightmares as a kid? E.T. yup. But I was like… seven or eight when I first saw it? Still gives me the heebiejeebies, though… which is strange because I first binge watched Star Trek TOS when I was the same age. (the coolest uncle ever had the FULL star trek collection of VHS. I may have found it and got to Trouble with Tribbles before anyone noticed- and then it was my Uncle, who was like “oh. this is my favorite episode! rewind it while I go make popcorn.” they … didn’t see either of us for the rest of the weekend.)