There’s a bit of good news in here:

In the four years that followed (2018-21), the average gap in investment in rail and road decreased from 66% to 34%. During that time, seven countries invested more in rail than roads – Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Italy, Luxembourg and the UK – while the rest spent more on roads than rail.

But ideally we need a Wales style road building freeze across Europe. We have enough roads to get everywhere, it’s purely building for capacity now and we should be shifting that capacity to rail.

      • elouboub
        410 months ago

        If we keep voting for corrupt, money- and power-hungry politicians, then yes, they will only serve capital. Garbage in, garbage out.

        Luckily, it’s not as bad as the rest of world, but nothing’s perfect.

      • Assholes never miss an opportunity to vote. Failure to vote means willingly allowing assholes to win elections. Failure to vote is equivalent to saying “this is all fine and I don’t mind whichever way things turn out, better, worse, worse even, or worst”.

        110 months ago

        Amen ! I don’t understand how most people still believe that voting will make things better, especially voting for right-wing parties

      • elouboub
        710 months ago

        French government: centre right (or quite right depending on which foot they step out of bed with)

        German governments hitherto: centre-right, capitalist, christian (current government trying to unfuck what was done)

        Spanish government: centre right

        Dutch government: centre right for what, a decade?

        Belgian government: lol, whatever the fuck they were up to

        Bulgaria: holy shit are they right

        Poland: kekw, do I even have to state it?

        Danish government: the “we hate immigrants” government

        What about the rest? I haven’t been keeping track.

      710 months ago

      Car companies and downstream suppliers are also quite a big part of the EU economy. There are significant lobbying efforts regardless.