Can’t just be me, can it? Currently 0 for 3 on interviews because I can’t seem to get past the technical interview/test. Usually because of some crazy complicated algorithm question that’s never been relevant to anything I’ve ever had to do on the job in all my years coding.

Also, while I’m ranting: screw the usual non-answer when given feedback.

    1410 months ago

    If they ask a tech test question, it’s time to leave. When they act surprised, tell them you don’t believe in wasting your time with bullshit.

    • falsem
      2310 months ago

      You’d be surprised by the number of applicants that can’t write a for-loop. There’s a middle ground between no test and complex tree search algorithms.

        1110 months ago

        If you find some that are reasonable then I consider you lucky. I have not. They’ve only ever proven to be an absurd waste of time in my experience.

          410 months ago

          I only got quite simple tests tbf, but I don’t look for senior positions. Main thing is to just get the problem solved writing decent code (if it’s a home assignment) or to walk them through your reasonings

          The only time I got a leetcode waste of time it was a Dijsktra/A* problem (which I failed)