• This was an “I drink your milkshake” moment for DeSantis. Ron lost. He was always going to lose. He can’t punch back against Trump, or he will lose Trump voters, and he will lose. He can’t fold like an umbrella and allow Trump to dog walk him, because he will also lose. As soon as Trump announced - as soon as it was clear Trump was going to again bald-face lie about everything and that the gop voters were still down with him - it was over. The gop politicians, again, fall into line.

    The gop is the party of Trump more than it was ever the party of Reagan. I remember reading that Putin almost pulled his support from Trump when Trump attacked the family of a veteran killed in the Iraq war. Even Putin thought the republican party, with all of its blathering about national security and supporting the military, would side with the dead soldier and his family. They sided with Trump. They sided with Trump when he not only insulted the service of John McCain - a veteran and once considered an icon of the republican party as exemplifying the highest levels of patriotism - but also all other POWs. They went from flying POW flags to backing the guy who says he prefers heroes who don’t get captured. They backed the bone-spurs draft dodger. Hell, he even opposed vets marching in military parades because he hates the way the old and disabled look. He thinks it’s not manly to have been injured in the service. He said that serving in the military is for suckers and losers.

    Putin, of all people, thought too highly of republican honesty. Putin took seriously the idea that the gop’s definition of patriotism meant supporting the military, because that’s the way he set it up in Russia. It turns out that gop voters literally don’t care. When they criticized Kerry for speaking out against the Vietnam War, it wasn’t because Kerry was “unpatriotic.” Trump boasts about dodging the draft and saying his biggest risk during Vietnam was avoiding VD.

    It is about power to the republican politicians, and it is about hate to the republican voters. Republicans have finally found the person who embodies all republican virtues in donald trump.