As the criminal trial of ‘Freedom Convoy’ leaders Tamara Lich and Chris Barber continues, the Crown has released never-before-seen video evidence showing what the occupation of the nation’s capital was like from the police perspective.

  • MapleEngineer
    -21 year ago

    It must be so stressful to go through life so angry. It can’t be good for your health. Maybe you need a glass of milk and a nap?

      • MapleEngineer
        -21 year ago

        Why are you so angry? I mean, you’re hurling insults and obscenities at a complete stranger on the internet because they don’t agree with you. You need to do some serious soul searching about your behaviour and you need to consider getting some professional help. Your behaviour is not acceptable and it is not normal. You need to BE better.

          • MapleEngineer
            -11 year ago

            If you go back and read our exchange you will realize that you were arguing against your own straw men. The things you were saying that I said I didn’t say. It’s really easy to see that if you just look. It was all in your head. You were literally raging at me, swearing at me, and calling me stupid because of things you imagined that I said. There is something seriously wrong with you. I hope you get help and find peace at some point.

              1 year ago

              Sorry bud, fish elsewhere. I clarified my point because you took it wrong like the dummy you are. Then, you’re too prideful to even admit I simply clarified a point you chose to miss. Please for the love of God… Grow a brain.

              • MapleEngineer
                1 year ago

                What is wrong with you? I’ve been polite. You’ve been shitting in your hands and throwing it at me because I don’t agree with you and because of things you imagined I said. It will be obvious to anyone who comes along and reads this conversation that there is something seriously wrong with you. I had hoped that by inviting you to do some self-reflection you might grow as a human being. Obviously, you’re not ready to do that yet. I’m sorry that you’re so angry. I hope you find peace at some point.

                  21 year ago

                  Keep telling yourself that. You inarguably mistook my statement and have refused to even fess up to that. You are truly and quite literally pathetic.

                  • MapleEngineer
                    -11 year ago

                    I said:

                    I don’t think you’re listening to the testimony, reading the transcript, or watching any of the new videos (or reading the articles, really.) The OPS knew they were coming but didn’t realize how many locals were going to throw in with the protesters. They assumed that it was going to be just another protest that would evaporate on Monday. They were unprepared for how many people would be there and just how lawless and uncooperative they would be.

                    The Toronto police reacted the way they did because they saw what happened in Ottawa.

                    Then I said (to someone else):

                    Your beliefs do not align with the findings of the commission.

                    You replied:

                    You’re just going to accept what cops say without question?

                    Can you point out to me where, anywhere in those two comments I said, “I accept what cops say without question”?

                    Or was that just some nonsense that you made up and attributed to me?

                    I replied:

                    The world isn’t black and white and not all cops lie. Their testimony lines up with what happened in Ottawa and with the findings of the commission so that lends credibility to what they are saying. There were a couple of thousand cops on the ground who did a professional job and cleared the occupiers with no injuries or deaths.

                    You then said:

                    The problem is about trust, not what was specifically said. If you’re believing a cop simply because they’re a cop, then you’re fucking stupid.

                    Can you point out to me where I said, “I believe cops because they are cops”?

                    Or is that also something that you made up in your head?

                    Can you point out anywhere were I swore at you or called you stupid? Anywhere?

                    Or is that just a sign of your misplaced rage?

                    They don’t deserve the trust.

                    Can you point out to me anywhere were I said, “They deserve our trust”?

                    Or is that something that you made up and attributed to me?

                    I never said all cops always lie. Stop choosing to miss the point of what I said.

                    Can you point out anywhere where I said, “You said that all cops lie”?

                    Or did I suggest that the fact that all cops don’t lie along with other evidence presented at the commission and video evidence that we all watched live suggested that what the cops were saying might actually be true?

                    Then, among other things you said:

                    You are beyond pathetic.

                    I’m sorry you’re too dumb or young to understand.

                    Such a lame troll. Do better.

                    you took it wrong like the dummy you are

                    Then, you’re too prideful to even admit I simply clarified a point you chose to miss

                    Grow a brain.

                    You are truly and quite literally pathetic.

                    You have been swearing at me, hurling insults, standing up ridiculous straw men then raging at them.

                    There is clearly an issue of mental illness here. I realize that you can’t see it but anyone who comes along and reads this exchange will be able to. They’ll also be able to see your impotent little downvotes on every one of my comments and the fact that I’m grown up enough and sympathetic enough to your mental illness and rage struggles that I just can’t be bothered.

                    You really need to consider getting professional help. There is something deeply wrong with you.