• @imgonnatrythis@lemm.ee
        11 year ago

        No it’s really not.

        Recommend doing a bit of real traveling. As far as things go on a global scale a lot more FUD comes out of the US because it is an absolute media machine and everyone has their eyes glued on it at all times. As far as real world acceptance of LGBT it doesn’t get much better anywhere globally than California. In my experience other than perhaps, some select parts of Western Europe, the comfort level for LGBT travelers is much higher in the US than most places. There are cesspools like Florida that stand out, but this travel warning is largely propaganda.

    • Kuori [she/her]
      401 year ago

      unless one of the frothing right-wing psychos who’s full up on nazi propaganda decides you’re a groomer and hate crimes you, which can happen in any state in the u.s.

      • @imgonnatrythis@lemm.ee
        11 year ago

        Or anywhere in the world. Rare events that get heavily reported in the US do not paint the overall picture of LGBT experience.

        • AcidSmiley [she/her]
          121 year ago

          Why are you so adamant in downplaying the crimes of a nation that has passed almost 500 anti trans laws this year alone?

          • @imgonnatrythis@lemm.ee
            1 year ago

            Because these are the games of politicians. Try being trans in rural China, India, pretty much anywhere in the African continent or anywhere in the middle east. Come visit and see if you’d like. I’ve been to these places and if you don’t believe me look at other travel advisories. The risk to travelers is being blown out of proportion and just because the media is doing this it doesn’t mean that educated individuals hanging out in Lemmy communities need to propogate this garbage. Do I want politicians to get their shit together? Yes! Do travelers need to eat up the media fear that pours out like a fire hose these days? No, it’s rubbish.

            • AcidSmiley [she/her]
              101 year ago

              I’m not saying that other parts of the world are all safe, i’m saying that it’s entirely proportional to issue a travel warning for the US, and that you’re deliberately downplaying the rise of institutional and societal transphobia in Amerika.

        • Adkml [he/him]
          101 year ago

          K link me to the most recent time somebody got murdered in Canada for flying a pride flag since it happens everywhere at the same rate.

          Better be in the last week BTW.

    • duderium [he/him]
      401 year ago

      “It’s Florida and Texas and red states that are the problem,” I tell myself as my entire country continues to collapse in a thousand different ways. “It’s Florida and Texas and red states. If we just had 60 Democrats in the senate and a more moderate SCOTUS (like in 2008), everything everywhere would be perfect! I mean, just look at all Obama managed to accomplish during that time! Endless drone strikes, corporate welfare, and a health care “plan” endorsed by the Heritage Foundation that made no difference to health insurance prices (which continued to rise as though nothing had happened) and left tens of millions of people uninsured or underinsured and which led to tens of thousands of deaths over the years due to lack of coverage—and that was before the pandemic even started! It’s not the system designed by genocidal slave owners that’s the problem, we just need to get rid of the corrupt elites and replace them with GOOD elites and everything will work itself out!”

      • AOCapitulator [they/them]
        111 year ago

        What do you mean? Some massive nerd on here the other day was telling me how its totally easy to move, and people who don’t are just choosing to stay poor and marginalized!

    • Until Democratic centrists sacrifice trans people to pass various “must pass” bills after House GOP reps put poison-pill regulations into them and try to make a new Hyde Amendment, prohibiting Federal support for gender-affirming care and opening the door to outright legal discrimination federally.

      And that’s assuming they don’t lose the Senate/Presidency.

        • GenderIsOpSec [she/her]
          21 year ago

          Democratic Centralists: soviet-chad

          Demoncrat/Republikhan “Centrists”: wojak-nooo

          that’s it, i depicted them as the wojak and us as the chad. Communism has been achieved meow-tankie

    • Adkml [he/him]
      121 year ago

      I live less than 2 hours from the Canadian border in one of the most progressive states and there’s trucks in town painted red white and blue with 3% logos and the moaning labia shit.

      There’s another one with two stickers on the back window “kill your local pedophile” with somebody getting shot execution style and “democrats are pedophiles”

      Everywhere in America 30 minutes outside a major city is like that.

      • Smeagolicious [they/them]
        111 year ago

        Yup - northern state, near Canada, usually blue voters. Regularly see thin blue line stickers, confederate flags, punisher skulls, thin blue line themed punisher skulls, “protect our children” slogans n shit…hell I’ve seen at least a couple black suns on cars around here, which is a lot more mask off than I expected (and waaaaaay more alarming)

        • Adkml [he/him]
          91 year ago

          Moan abe or however they took it. Means come.and take it apparently it’s what the Spartans said to the Persians at Thermopoli.

          An ironic line because if you learned history from something other than a homoerotic Zac Snyder movie you would know the Persians responded with “k” then killed them all

          • GenderIsOpSec [she/her]
            31 year ago

            Molon labe.

            then sparta lost their king, his honor guard, the elite of their army AND a highly defensible pass that they were supposed to be able to hold for months ortega-clap and this all happened in a few days.

      • @imgonnatrythis@lemm.ee
        11 year ago

        Yeah, those are hillbillies - they are all over the place. Many of them are actually homosexual believe it or not. If we are talking bumper stickers though, can’t say I’ve come across many anti-LGBT ones. Mostly confederate flags and black and white flags with blue stripes all in the generic grab bag of generalized hatred. I stay away from those people / areas as it’s just not my crowd, but not sure what this has to do with the safety of LGBT visitors to the US. Linking these stickers to that is a pretty broad sweep.